Dialing it Back

1Does over working hold women back?  A recent article in Forbes thinks so.  Is it because women are taking on more than their share? Or because they have difficulty saying no?  “The answer is probably both,” says Dr. Peggy Drexler, an author, Forbes contributor and an assistant professor of psychology in psychiatry, Weill Medical College, Cornell University, who writes about gender, work and the modern family.

What we know: a historically high number of women are now the primary breadwinners; thirty-seven percent of wives out earn their husbands.  Yet at the same time that women have taken on these financial responsibilities, their domestic responsibilities have not gone down.  Add a disparity in pay –– women are still paid just 81% of what a man makes –– and you’ve got women who are working longer hours to earn just as much as a man and wives as primary breadwinners who do far too much housework.

And as the article says, “women keep saying yes to work, to family, to most everything.”  Interesting and eye opening.  Read the full article here.

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