Women and Wealth

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When it comes to money, women rule. Literally.

Think about it: A woman holds the top job at the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Social Security Administration.

At the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde is the managing director.

These women run large, complex organizations that decide how money is invested, budgeted, saved and spent. They shape the rules that govern the global economy.

But over on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, men still do more risk-taking.

Why is that?

And while U.S. women’s earnings are catching up — now at 81 cents for every dollar a man makes — many say they lack confidence about investing.

Why is that?

The above is from NPR’s interesting and intelligent series called  The Changing Lives of Women. The series includes stories and conversations, currently focused on the economic lives of women in this country and overseas.  Among the topics they will be covering: Women’s Role in the Global Economy, Women and Personal Investing, Women and Wall Street, Women and Negotiating, Women and Business School and more.  Check out this smart must read and listen here.


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